Sunday 30 October 2011

In response to my Relactation Story in Breastfeeding Matters

I had written to La Leche League after my article was printed, with the following comment:
"Breastfeeding Matters;
I got my issue today-I am very glad to have it it and happy to see our article printed in your magazine. I would like to clarify one thing that I am unhappy that you edited out of my Relactation Story. I wrote "I am glad formula exists for that reason." You edited out "for that reason." I am not glad formula exists, as a whole. It should be on prescription only, IMO, because it is an emergency food and nothing else-it is a dead food and NOT healthy for babies. If a family genuinely cannot breastfeed, they should seek an informed milksharing arrangement-formula being an absolute last reserve. 
It destroys babies' health that so many families are willing to give up and go this route so quickly-it is only because it is convenient and the risks of not feeding a baby breastmilk are not commonly known, which I feel as one of the nations' leading sources of breastfeeding information, it should be a key duty of the LLL to inform mothers of this risk. I want people to know how I really feel on this issue. 
-Yardana Sirken of Looe, Cornwall, Relactation Story p.6"

I sent the article, along with this note, to a friend. Her reply is so kind!
This is so so so  beautiful!  I knew instantly what part was edited and I didn’t even read your comments in your email til after.  When I read it – I was thinking there is no way you would have said that knowing what I do know about you.  Otherwise – it is an incredible story and I am so proud of you.  This story needs to be told often.  You know – what Emma posted on your page rings true in this instance: While breastfeeding may not seem the right choice for every parent, it is the best choice for every baby.  To me that says that it isn’t always what is comfortable for the mother or what is easy….what you overcame to get your breastfeeding relationship wasn’t easy at all – but it wasn’t about you.  Well, breastfeeding is partly about the mother – but I think first and foremost about the nutrition and bonding for the babe.  You are awesome, Carrot!

Dear Bonnie;
I am grinning ear to ear! Thank you so much for your beautiful comments. What sweet, sweet things to say, and I could not agree with you and Emma more which is why I went through what I did. I went through blood, sweat and tears (literally) to get my breastfeeding relationship because there was no option to me. I have had a lot of hateful comments because of this article as well, from both breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding mothers who think it is a personal choice and that I should not judge motehrs who cannot breastfeed. I don't know what they don't understand about the fact that I am part of HM4HB (blog readers: If you have not heard of this network, look it up. NOW. :)), but I am part of it BECAUSE I want to HELP the children of mothers who have not been able to get through these issues, because I well know that these problems are by no means easy or uncomplicated and not everyone knows to get the resources to work through them and that not breastfeeding does not always equal lazy. It is so sad that people's insecurities due to them choosing to take the easy, lazy route of simply not trying means they think that I am judging them. I do feel so bad for mothers who genuinely wish to and cannot/have not been able to overcome the difficulties in order to breastfeed, because having experienced both bottle and breastfeeding I can honestly say that breastfeeding brings a mother and her baby closer together. When I was feeding Osrid exclusively pumped milk from a bottle, I could not wake up in the night when he was screaming for me-and we are bedsharers! Thankfully, his father woke up when he cried. Now, not so long after I submitted the article, I changed to exclusively breastfeeding instead of combined pumping and breastfeeding because I realised that being a full time stay-at-home-mum, I had absolutely no excuse not to, and I was being unfair to my child since he quite obviously preferred the breast-his father, although he liked feeding O.O., was not disheartened, because he agreed and was relieved at the extra rest. Once I switched to exclusively breastfeeding, O.O. became an even happier boy, he slept better, *I* slept WAY better, and I began to wake the instant he did-funny that-and our bonding increased drastically. There is no comparison. My son's father decided to join in the bonding by cuddling us and stroking us sometimes while he feeds, something he still does. Our family dynamic is so much better. I only pump now to freeze milk for donating and for cooking (cows' milk? No thanks). To put a long story short, I love breastfeeding!

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