When I was pregnant, I feared birth. I not only feared birth, but I feared parenting and knew little about the decisions I was making. Doctors did not prove trustworthy to me in this regard, and for all men and women expecting babies, I would like to write a few words of advice.
#1. Trust your body and trust birth. How I wish I'd have known this whilst pregnant! People often tell horror stories to pregnant women about their terrible birthing experiences (totally unfair on the pregnant woman). When there are no complications, birth is not scary, and it does not even have to be painful. Women have been birthing for a million years (with no painkillers). Pregnancy is treated as an illness in western society, because there is money to be made in medical interventions. Whether you choose to birth in a hospital or at home (and it is only your choice to make!), remember that the tension of fear itsself is the majority of what makes birthing painful.
#2. Make no decisions before doing your own independent research.
There is no such thing as a medical intervention without risks. There is a time and a place for everything, and interventions do exist for a reason, but they are far overused. Create an extensive birthing plan based on your own weighing of risks and benefits and discuss your options with your healthcare provider in advance. Trust your instincts.
#3. Breastfeeding-try it out, if you can!
You can delay the return of your fertility for 6 months or more with exclusive breastfeeding, as well as aid in the prevention of cancer and other diseases for both you and your baby. Children always wean themselves naturally and gradually when they are ready (and especially if complimented with baby led solids). If you have difficulties breastfeeding, please don't feel that you have give up! You can contact La Leche League International, an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant, or The Breastfeeding Network for support and advice.
#4. Educate before you vaccinate (or use any drug, for that matter).
Whether or not you feel the need for vaccinations, please do your own research first and never make a decision before reading the patient product information leaflets (you can ask your doctor for these, or you can find them online). Vaccines are powerful drugs with ingredients that have the potential to cause many side effects and even death in rare instances. Many parents choose to follow a delayed schedule for vaccines (to lessen the impact of large doses of heavy metals) and even many are not vaccinating at all. You don't need to rush the decision though-remember that you can always vaccinate, but you can never un-vaccinate!
#5. Consider keeping children intact.
Some quick facts:
-Approximately 117 babies die every year from blood loss resulting from circumcision (1 infant death is enough for a crib recall, but this practice still continues)
-The foreskin alone contains more nerve endings than the female clitoris-not just a piece of skin!
-Urinary tract infections, HIV, HPV and many other illnesses have a much higher prevalence in the United States and Africa (where male circumcision is also commonly practiced) than they are in Europe, where circumcision is extremely rare.
-Circumcision, while not typically remembered by an infant, can and often does result in trust issues, bodily insecurity, sexual dysfunction, and difficulties breastfeeding.
For more information on circumcision, please visit www.drmomma.org or visit Keeping Future Sons Intact on facebook.
I've never regretted keeping my son intact!
#6. Go to your baby!
Humans are social sleepers, by nature. Babies are not born manipulative-in the wild, if a baby was left alone it meant that something horrible had happened to it's mother, and there was a potential of being eaten by lions. Now, I sincerely hope that there are no lions in your home, but it is nonetheless deeply ingrained in our being to need to sleep socially. Cosleeping or bedsharing are great (and very safe, when done properly) solutions, but even if you choose to use a crib and/or seperate room, pay attention to your baby's cues. Neurons in the brain are found to die in instances of prolonged distress, additionally it can damage the bond between parents and child.
#7. Be gentle with yourself.
Birth is regarded as needing much to do in our society, yet the post partum months are seldom given the attention they deserve. Yet, the rate of postnatal depression is higher than ever in western societies! To avoid postpartum depression, the mother needs time to bond with her child, to be allowed time to heal and get to know her baby, and to be shown love and kindness. A new father too, needs time to adjust. Employ the aide of family members and friends to bring meals and do light housework if at all possible. Most people will gladly help out for a chance to visit the new baby!
#8. Practice gentle parenting.
"Love me when I deserve it the least, for that is when I need it the most" -unknown author
Practicing compassion with children raises them to be independent, compassionate adults. You can set limits with empathy, and raise emotionally healthy beings without punishments. Use your words wisely, respond to needs as they arise, and stay connected. Research studies on discipline consistently show that punishment and consequences, as used by parents, create defiance in children and can break the bond of nurturing and trust with parent and child.
And, I cannot recommend enough that every parent read this page: http://www.continuum-concept.org/cc_defined.html
I Know Some Things I Probably Shouldn't Know
Activism, Lactivism, Intactivism and TRUTH
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Thursday, 29 December 2011
The Unexpected Purchase Undermining Breastfeeding
I would never in a million years have thought that, by purchasing a tin of baked beans or a squeeze-tube of ketchup, I would be supporting an industry that serves as a booby-trap for society, undermining the importance of breastfeeding world-wide. Yet, that is exactly what happens when one purchases Heinz.
The H.J. Heinz company, most famous for it's world-renowned Ketchup, violates the World Health Organisations' International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, as well as UNICEF's infant feeding code, in several ways:
Heinz produces baby food in the age range of 4-6 months. However; the World Health Organisation, along with several other health organisations worldwide, recommend that children be fed exclusively on breastmilk or infant formula until at least 6 months of age, when a childs' digestive system and motor skills have developed enough to allow him or her to self-feed.
Heinz strongly discourages baby-led weaning, claiming that when children self-feed, there is no way to ensure that they meet nutritional guidelines, despite WHO's stance that "food before one is just for fun". In the article linked, the company also falsely claims that there is an increased risk of choking with baby-led weaning. However, babies are indeed less likely to choke when self feeding, as a child is not capable of moving food from the front to the back of the mouth before learning first to chew.
In addition; Heinz also claims through false studies that children whose parents do not follow an authorative style of parenting and feeding will suffer from inadequate diets, reduced intake of fruits and vegetables and a lowered consumption of nutrients.
Despite this, Heinz claims that it is necessary to feed a child cereals and other foods which have been fortified with iron and other nutrients. Feeding a child, especially one who is under six months of age, iron supplements has been shown to lower the efficiency of his or her iron absorption.
Ironically, Heinz controlled over 29% of the global infant food market in 1994; including infant formulas-despite the fact that infants fed on cows' milk are more likely to fall into the high risk category of developing anemia.
The H.J. Heinz company, most famous for it's world-renowned Ketchup, violates the World Health Organisations' International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, as well as UNICEF's infant feeding code, in several ways:
Heinz produces baby food in the age range of 4-6 months. However; the World Health Organisation, along with several other health organisations worldwide, recommend that children be fed exclusively on breastmilk or infant formula until at least 6 months of age, when a childs' digestive system and motor skills have developed enough to allow him or her to self-feed.

In addition; Heinz also claims through false studies that children whose parents do not follow an authorative style of parenting and feeding will suffer from inadequate diets, reduced intake of fruits and vegetables and a lowered consumption of nutrients.
Despite this, Heinz claims that it is necessary to feed a child cereals and other foods which have been fortified with iron and other nutrients. Feeding a child, especially one who is under six months of age, iron supplements has been shown to lower the efficiency of his or her iron absorption.
Ironically, Heinz controlled over 29% of the global infant food market in 1994; including infant formulas-despite the fact that infants fed on cows' milk are more likely to fall into the high risk category of developing anemia.
Heinz distributes a nutritional guide to Chinese Hospitals labelled "A Good Start" which illegally claims that breastmilk will not meet the nutritional needs of babies past 4 months of age. Their infant formula company, Farleys', distributes similar booklets in the United Arab Emirates. In doing so, they violate their own companys' Global Code Of Conduct, stating that "all communications must be honest, truthful and not misleading."
As if this were not enough to dissuade you from supporting the company, the Advertising Standards Agency of Great Britain has reprimanded Heinz for claims that the ASA deems unsubstantiated: that Nurture brand infant formula would "protect" a childs' immune system, help eyes and brain "develop", and provide nourishment with milk proteins and calcium.
Heinz has also had product recalls, including their strained meats baby foods, for deformities in the products' glass which could break off during "normal" use.
When you make a purchase, your money acts as a vote for the company whose products you consume. Whenever a product is purchased, it acts as an indicator to the store to continue stocking this product, indeed buying it more frequently when demand runs strong, and so in buying from a company whose ethics you do not support provides them with your endorsement. This is why we, as a culture of consumers, must be informed and aware of the choices we make.
As if this were not enough to dissuade you from supporting the company, the Advertising Standards Agency of Great Britain has reprimanded Heinz for claims that the ASA deems unsubstantiated: that Nurture brand infant formula would "protect" a childs' immune system, help eyes and brain "develop", and provide nourishment with milk proteins and calcium.
Heinz has also had product recalls, including their strained meats baby foods, for deformities in the products' glass which could break off during "normal" use.
When you make a purchase, your money acts as a vote for the company whose products you consume. Whenever a product is purchased, it acts as an indicator to the store to continue stocking this product, indeed buying it more frequently when demand runs strong, and so in buying from a company whose ethics you do not support provides them with your endorsement. This is why we, as a culture of consumers, must be informed and aware of the choices we make.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
The Great Vaccine Debate
"Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection" - Dr Sabin, developer of the Polio vaccine(1).
The fact of the matter is; vaccines are not nearly as effective as elected health officials would lead you to believe. Many parents fear for the safety of their vaccinated children: they are genuinely worried that unvaccinated children will cause an outbreak of disease. "While parents may think it does no harm to others if their kids skip some vaccines, they are in fact putting others at risk, health officials say. No vaccine is completely effective(2)." So then; what is the point?
Many parents genuinely believe that they are acting in a child's best interest by inoculating them against disease; many of which have been nearly eradicated. The fact of the matter is; this is simply not true. Preliminary studies have proven that people are just as likely to fall just as ill with, for example, a flu vaccine than the actual flu itsself(3). Not only this; but as viruses are consistently mutating by changing in composition, there is no way to guarantee protection from any virus. In a mere manner of months (or less), the strain of any particular virus will have mutated so much as to be entirely unrelated to the original particle. There are so many mutations possible; that no amount of vaccination, even if you were to inoculate yourself/your child every week, could avoid your exposure to the virus in question (3). This does not simply apply to the flu; however-this truth extends to all viruses, including Human Pappilomavirus, Measles, Rubella, Chickenpox, Mumps, and even the common 24-hour Cold virus; for which a vaccine is currently being developed.
So, why is this information not widely distributed?
To put this answer very simply; doctors are given incentives-by both drug companies and insurance companies-to give out vaccines(4)(5). In fact; they even get larger bonuses if they can vaccinate, and fully vaccinate, a large majority of the population(5)! This alone makes it an unlikely fact that your doctor will educate you about the risks involved in vaccination; let alone provide you with the actual patient product information leaflets, such as the PPI for Gardasil, which lists in black and white all of the side effects and incidences related with the vaccine: "General disorders and administration site conditions: Asthenia, chills, death, fatigue, malaise." Yes; you read that correctly...death. It is no small wonder that the majority of doctors do not wish this to be widely known when you consider their incentives; which range from gifts and holidays to cold hard cash.
The long and short of it all is that vaccines are not safe. Vaccines are administered in order to stimulate an immune response to the dead viral particles they contain; however they also contain toxic levels of aluminum which has been proven to be linked directly to many ailments including, but not limited to allergies, asthma and inflammatory bowel disease(6). Also included in vaccinations are formaldehyde, antibiotics, egg proteins (which many people are allergic to; but are not informed that this is in the vaccines they are receiving!), MSG, Thimerosal (a mercury-containing preservative)(7), yeast proteins (another which many people have severe allergic reactions to)(8) aborted foetal tissue DNA(9) and many other unsavoury ingredients. In fact, babies who are vaccinated according to schedule are injected with 5 milligrams of alluminum by the age of 18 months-which is 50 times the FDA's recommendations for safe levels of aluminum exposure for adults! (10)
According to Richard D Moskovitz, M.D., the price we pay for those antibodies (contained within vaccines) is the persistence of virus elements in the blood for long periods of time, perhaps permanently. In turn, our immune systems are inhibited from providing an effective defense against natural viral particles we may encounter(11). In fact, you can even get a virus simply from RECEIVING the vaccination itself which is admitted to even by the vaccine manufacturers themselves(12)! This is, not to mention the fact that the death toll of many diseases began decreasing before their vaccine counterparts became available for widespread use(13).
The fact of the matter is, our bodies ARE equipped immunologically to prevent us from disease(14). It is only through poor diet, lack of or premature weaning from breastfeeding (15), pollution, lack of proper hygiene, a sedentary lifestyle and yes, vaccine exposure that our immune systems are compromised and we become susceptible to disease.
What reason then remains, for getting vaccinated or vaccinating your children?
If you or your child have fallen ill as the direct result of a vaccine injury, you are entitled to monetary compensation. Please visit here for more information if you are located in the United Kingdom.
1. http://www.planetc1.com/search/more-vaccine-quotes-from-the-outside-in.html
2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45462083/ns/health-childrens_health/#.TtXRG7KImU8
3. http://chemistry.about.com/cs/howthingswork/a/aa011604a.htm
4. http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/vaccines/do-doctors-have-financial-incentive-get-their-patients-fully-vaccinated
5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1226704/GPs-bigger-bonuses-meet-swine-flu-jab-targets.html
6. http://www.nvic.org/Doctors-Corner/Aluminum-and-Vaccine-Ingredients.aspx
7. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/additives.htm
8. http://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/g/gardasil/gardasil_ppi.pdf
9. http://www.vaccinetruth.org/fetal_tissue.htm
10. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp22-c2.pdf
11. http://www.consumerhealth.org/articles/display.cfm?ID=19990809220922
12. http://www.merck.com/product/usa/pi_circulars/z/zostavax/zostavax_pi2.pdf
13. http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/graphs/
14. http://www.allergytherapeutics.com/natural-immunity.aspx
15. http://www.jaoa.org/content/106/4/203.full
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Why you may be still getting sick/not losing weight/ect despite the fact that you take a Multivitamin
Tricalcium phosphate & magnesium stearate are two ingredients found in multivitamins that interfere with your body's absorption of nutrients. Magnesium stearate is a preservative that slows the solubility and tricalc phosphate actually blocks your body's ability to absorb minerals (such as, get this, iodine-so taking a multivitamin will prevent you from losing weight. Little known fact!) ...Also, many vitamins in powdered and tablet forms contain oxidised forms of nutrients. Examples of this include magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, and so forth-these generally do not dissolve in water (which is, think about it, what our bodies are primarily composed from). So they are poorly absorbed. Then, there are chemicals, such as aspartate which like the name implies, is related to (and toxic in a similar way as is) aspartame. If you have a poor diet (lacking in a variety of raw ORGANIC [that part is very important as you will get the nutrients from the soil-with food that is sprayed with pesticides, the nutrient content is weakened] foods) and you must take vitamins and minerals, the best way to get them is in hard forms. By this I mean citrates, chlorides, and bicarbonate forms.
reference: http://www.nutritional-supplement-truths.com/bioavailability-of-nutritional-supplements.html
reference: http://www.nutritional-supplement-truths.com/bioavailability-of-nutritional-supplements.html
Sunday, 30 October 2011
In response to my Relactation Story in Breastfeeding Matters
I had written to La Leche League after my article was printed, with the following comment:
"Breastfeeding Matters;
I got my issue today-I am very glad to have it it and happy to see our article printed in your magazine. I would like to clarify one thing that I am unhappy that you edited out of my Relactation Story. I wrote "I am glad formula exists for that reason." You edited out "for that reason." I am not glad formula exists, as a whole. It should be on prescription only, IMO, because it is an emergency food and nothing else-it is a dead food and NOT healthy for babies. If a family genuinely cannot breastfeed, they should seek an informed milksharing arrangement-formula being an absolute last reserve. It destroys babies' health that so many families are willing to give up and go this route so quickly-it is only because it is convenient and the risks of not feeding a baby breastmilk are not commonly known, which I feel as one of the nations' leading sources of breastfeeding information, it should be a key duty of the LLL to inform mothers of this risk. I want people to know how I really feel on this issue.
-Yardana Sirken of Looe, Cornwall, Relactation Story p.6"
I sent the article, along with this note, to a friend. Her reply is so kind!
This is so so so beautiful! I knew instantly what part was edited and I didn’t even read your comments in your email til after. When I read it – I was thinking there is no way you would have said that knowing what I do know about you. Otherwise – it is an incredible story and I am so proud of you. This story needs to be told often. You know – what Emma posted on your page rings true in this instance: While breastfeeding may not seem the right choice for every parent, it is the best choice for every baby. To me that says that it isn’t always what is comfortable for the mother or what is easy….what you overcame to get your breastfeeding relationship wasn’t easy at all – but it wasn’t about you. Well, breastfeeding is partly about the mother – but I think first and foremost about the nutrition and bonding for the babe. You are awesome, Carrot!
Dear Bonnie;
I am grinning ear to ear! Thank you so much for your beautiful comments. What sweet, sweet things to say, and I could not agree with you and Emma more which is why I went through what I did. I went through blood, sweat and tears (literally) to get my breastfeeding relationship because there was no option to me. I have had a lot of hateful comments because of this article as well, from both breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding mothers who think it is a personal choice and that I should not judge motehrs who cannot breastfeed. I don't know what they don't understand about the fact that I am part of HM4HB (blog readers: If you have not heard of this network, look it up. NOW. :)), but I am part of it BECAUSE I want to HELP the children of mothers who have not been able to get through these issues, because I well know that these problems are by no means easy or uncomplicated and not everyone knows to get the resources to work through them and that not breastfeeding does not always equal lazy. It is so sad that people's insecurities due to them choosing to take the easy, lazy route of simply not trying means they think that I am judging them. I do feel so bad for mothers who genuinely wish to and cannot/have not been able to overcome the difficulties in order to breastfeed, because having experienced both bottle and breastfeeding I can honestly say that breastfeeding brings a mother and her baby closer together. When I was feeding Osrid exclusively pumped milk from a bottle, I could not wake up in the night when he was screaming for me-and we are bedsharers! Thankfully, his father woke up when he cried. Now, not so long after I submitted the article, I changed to exclusively breastfeeding instead of combined pumping and breastfeeding because I realised that being a full time stay-at-home-mum, I had absolutely no excuse not to, and I was being unfair to my child since he quite obviously preferred the breast-his father, although he liked feeding O.O., was not disheartened, because he agreed and was relieved at the extra rest. Once I switched to exclusively breastfeeding, O.O. became an even happier boy, he slept better, *I* slept WAY better, and I began to wake the instant he did-funny that-and our bonding increased drastically. There is no comparison. My son's father decided to join in the bonding by cuddling us and stroking us sometimes while he feeds, something he still does. Our family dynamic is so much better. I only pump now to freeze milk for donating and for cooking (cows' milk? No thanks). To put a long story short, I love breastfeeding!
"Breastfeeding Matters;
I got my issue today-I am very glad to have it it and happy to see our article printed in your magazine. I would like to clarify one thing that I am unhappy that you edited out of my Relactation Story. I wrote "I am glad formula exists for that reason." You edited out "for that reason." I am not glad formula exists, as a whole. It should be on prescription only, IMO, because it is an emergency food and nothing else-it is a dead food and NOT healthy for babies. If a family genuinely cannot breastfeed, they should seek an informed milksharing arrangement-formula being an absolute last reserve. It destroys babies' health that so many families are willing to give up and go this route so quickly-it is only because it is convenient and the risks of not feeding a baby breastmilk are not commonly known, which I feel as one of the nations' leading sources of breastfeeding information, it should be a key duty of the LLL to inform mothers of this risk. I want people to know how I really feel on this issue.
-Yardana Sirken of Looe, Cornwall, Relactation Story p.6"
I sent the article, along with this note, to a friend. Her reply is so kind!
This is so so so beautiful! I knew instantly what part was edited and I didn’t even read your comments in your email til after. When I read it – I was thinking there is no way you would have said that knowing what I do know about you. Otherwise – it is an incredible story and I am so proud of you. This story needs to be told often. You know – what Emma posted on your page rings true in this instance: While breastfeeding may not seem the right choice for every parent, it is the best choice for every baby. To me that says that it isn’t always what is comfortable for the mother or what is easy….what you overcame to get your breastfeeding relationship wasn’t easy at all – but it wasn’t about you. Well, breastfeeding is partly about the mother – but I think first and foremost about the nutrition and bonding for the babe. You are awesome, Carrot!
Dear Bonnie;
I am grinning ear to ear! Thank you so much for your beautiful comments. What sweet, sweet things to say, and I could not agree with you and Emma more which is why I went through what I did. I went through blood, sweat and tears (literally) to get my breastfeeding relationship because there was no option to me. I have had a lot of hateful comments because of this article as well, from both breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding mothers who think it is a personal choice and that I should not judge motehrs who cannot breastfeed. I don't know what they don't understand about the fact that I am part of HM4HB (blog readers: If you have not heard of this network, look it up. NOW. :)), but I am part of it BECAUSE I want to HELP the children of mothers who have not been able to get through these issues, because I well know that these problems are by no means easy or uncomplicated and not everyone knows to get the resources to work through them and that not breastfeeding does not always equal lazy. It is so sad that people's insecurities due to them choosing to take the easy, lazy route of simply not trying means they think that I am judging them. I do feel so bad for mothers who genuinely wish to and cannot/have not been able to overcome the difficulties in order to breastfeed, because having experienced both bottle and breastfeeding I can honestly say that breastfeeding brings a mother and her baby closer together. When I was feeding Osrid exclusively pumped milk from a bottle, I could not wake up in the night when he was screaming for me-and we are bedsharers! Thankfully, his father woke up when he cried. Now, not so long after I submitted the article, I changed to exclusively breastfeeding instead of combined pumping and breastfeeding because I realised that being a full time stay-at-home-mum, I had absolutely no excuse not to, and I was being unfair to my child since he quite obviously preferred the breast-his father, although he liked feeding O.O., was not disheartened, because he agreed and was relieved at the extra rest. Once I switched to exclusively breastfeeding, O.O. became an even happier boy, he slept better, *I* slept WAY better, and I began to wake the instant he did-funny that-and our bonding increased drastically. There is no comparison. My son's father decided to join in the bonding by cuddling us and stroking us sometimes while he feeds, something he still does. Our family dynamic is so much better. I only pump now to freeze milk for donating and for cooking (cows' milk? No thanks). To put a long story short, I love breastfeeding!
Monday, 10 October 2011
Define Spanking
An act of slapping, esp. on the buttocks as a punishment for children.
Hit (someone or something) with the palm of one's hand or a flat object: "my sister slapped my face".
If you can't see that spanking=hitting, you are not only arguing with the dictionary, you are also arguing with Google, Wikipedia (they actually consider it equal to striking, which they define as an ATTACK!), and, get this...the ENTIRE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Denial much?
An act of slapping, esp. on the buttocks as a punishment for children.
Hit (someone or something) with the palm of one's hand or a flat object: "my sister slapped my face".
If you can't see that spanking=hitting, you are not only arguing with the dictionary, you are also arguing with Google, Wikipedia (they actually consider it equal to striking, which they define as an ATTACK!), and, get this...the ENTIRE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Denial much?
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Breastmilk-A Closer Look
Did you ever wonder
what’s in...
Carbohydrates (energy source)
Oligosaccharides (see below)
Carboxylic acid
Alpha hydroxy acid
Lactic acid
Proteins (building muscles and bones)
Whey protein
HAMLET (Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made Lethal to Tumour cells)
Many antimicrobial factors (see below)
Serum albumin
Non-protein nitrogens
Uric acid
Peptides (see below)
Amino Acids (the building blocks of proteins)
Carnitine (amino acid compound necessary to make use of fatty acids as an energy source)
Nucleotides (chemical compounds that are the structural units of RNA and DNA)
5’-Adenosine monophosphate (5”-AMP)
3’:5’-Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (3’:5’-cyclic AMP)
5’-Cytidine monophosphate (5’-CMP)
Cytidine diphosphate choline (CDP choline)
Guanosine diphosphate (UDP)
Guanosine diphosphate - mannose
3’- Uridine monophosphate (3’-UMP)
5’-Uridine monophosphate (5’-UMP)
Uridine diphosphate (UDP)
Uridine diphosphate hexose (UDPH)
Uridine diphosphate-N-acetyl-hexosamine (UDPAH)
Uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid (UDPGA)
Several more novel nucleotides of the UDP type
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (important for brain development)
Arachidonic acid (AHA) (important for brain development)
Linoleic acid
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Conjugated linoleic acid (Rumenic acid)
Free Fatty Acids
Monounsaturated fatty acids
Oleic acid
Palmitoleic acid
Heptadecenoic acid
Saturated fatty acids
Palmitic acid
Lauric acid
Myristic acid
Globotriaosylceramide (GB3)
Globoside (GB4)
Stigma-and campesterol
Vitamin D metabolites
Steroid hormones
Vitamin A
Beta carotene
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B8 (Inositol)
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Folic acid
Pantothenic acid
Molybdenum (essential element in many enzymes)
Growth Factors (aid in the maturation of the intestinal lining)
interleukin-1β (IL-1β)
Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)
Macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF)
Platelet derived growth factors (PDGF)
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
Hepatocyte growth factor -α (HGF-α)
Tumor necrosis factor-α
Epithelial growth factor (EGF)
Transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α)
TGF β1
Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (also known as somatomedin C)
Insulin-like growth factor- II
Nerve growth factor (NGF)
Peptides (combinations of amino acids)
HMGF I (Human growth factor)
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP)
Bombesin (gastric releasing peptide, also known as neuromedin B)
Hormones (chemical messengers that carry signals from one cell, or group of cells, to another
via the blood)
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroxine (T4)
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) (also known as thyrotropin)
Thyroid releasing hormone (TRH)
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Leptin (aids in regulation of food intake)
Ghrelin (aids in regulation of food intake)
Feedback inhibitor of lactation (FIL)
Prostaglandins (enzymatically derived from fatty acids)
Enzymes (catalysts that support chemical reactions in the body)
Xanthine oxidase
Antiproteases (thought to bind themselves to macromolecules such as enzymes and as a result
prevent allergic and anaphylactic reactions)
Antimicrobial factors (are used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects,
such as bacteria and viruses.
Leukocytes (white blood cells)
B lymphocytes (also known as B cells)
T lymphocytes (also known as C cells)
sIgA (Secretory immunoglobulin A) (the most important antiinfective factor)
Complement C1
Complement C2
Complement C3
Complement C4
Complement C5
Complement C6
Complement C7
Complement C8
Complement C9
Mucins (attaches to bacteria and viruses to prevent
them from clinging to mucousal tissues)
Alpha-2 macroglobulin
Lewis antigens
Haemagglutinin inhibitors
Bifidus Factor (increases growth of Lactobacillus bifidus - which is a
good bacteria)
Lactoferrin (binds to iron which prevents harmful bacteria from using the
iron to grow)
B12 binding protein (deprives microorganisms of vitamin B12)
Fibronectin (makes phagocytes more aggressive, minimizes inflammation, and repairs
damage caused by inflammation)
Oligosaccharides (more than 200 different kinds!
Developed as a student project for the Breastfeeding Course for Health Care Providers, Douglas College, New Westminster, BC, Canada - © 2007 by Cecily Heslett, Sherri Hedberg and Haley Rumble.
(Taken from http://www.bcbabyfriendly.ca/whatsinbreastmilkposter.pdf)
I now challenge you to take a look at what is in infant formulae on the shelves...and to read this: http://thealphaparent.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-tricks-of-formula-companies.html
BREASTMILK has nutritional value at any age-so I will breastfeed my son as long as he wants to. As all children should be able to. As nature had planned!
what’s in...
Carbohydrates (energy source)
Oligosaccharides (see below)
Carboxylic acid
Alpha hydroxy acid
Lactic acid
Proteins (building muscles and bones)
Whey protein
HAMLET (Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made Lethal to Tumour cells)
Many antimicrobial factors (see below)
Serum albumin
Non-protein nitrogens
Uric acid
Peptides (see below)
Amino Acids (the building blocks of proteins)
Carnitine (amino acid compound necessary to make use of fatty acids as an energy source)
Nucleotides (chemical compounds that are the structural units of RNA and DNA)
5’-Adenosine monophosphate (5”-AMP)
3’:5’-Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (3’:5’-cyclic AMP)
5’-Cytidine monophosphate (5’-CMP)
Cytidine diphosphate choline (CDP choline)
Guanosine diphosphate (UDP)
Guanosine diphosphate - mannose
3’- Uridine monophosphate (3’-UMP)
5’-Uridine monophosphate (5’-UMP)
Uridine diphosphate (UDP)
Uridine diphosphate hexose (UDPH)
Uridine diphosphate-N-acetyl-hexosamine (UDPAH)
Uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid (UDPGA)
Several more novel nucleotides of the UDP type
Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) (important for brain development)
Arachidonic acid (AHA) (important for brain development)
Linoleic acid
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Conjugated linoleic acid (Rumenic acid)
Free Fatty Acids
Monounsaturated fatty acids
Oleic acid
Palmitoleic acid
Heptadecenoic acid
Saturated fatty acids
Palmitic acid
Lauric acid
Myristic acid
Globotriaosylceramide (GB3)
Globoside (GB4)
Stigma-and campesterol
Vitamin D metabolites
Steroid hormones
Vitamin A
Beta carotene
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B8 (Inositol)
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Folic acid
Pantothenic acid
Molybdenum (essential element in many enzymes)
Growth Factors (aid in the maturation of the intestinal lining)
interleukin-1β (IL-1β)
Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)
Macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF)
Platelet derived growth factors (PDGF)
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
Hepatocyte growth factor -α (HGF-α)
Tumor necrosis factor-α
Epithelial growth factor (EGF)
Transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α)
TGF β1
Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (also known as somatomedin C)
Insulin-like growth factor- II
Nerve growth factor (NGF)
Peptides (combinations of amino acids)
HMGF I (Human growth factor)
Cholecystokinin (CCK)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP)
Bombesin (gastric releasing peptide, also known as neuromedin B)
Hormones (chemical messengers that carry signals from one cell, or group of cells, to another
via the blood)
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Thyroxine (T4)
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) (also known as thyrotropin)
Thyroid releasing hormone (TRH)
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
Leptin (aids in regulation of food intake)
Ghrelin (aids in regulation of food intake)
Feedback inhibitor of lactation (FIL)
Prostaglandins (enzymatically derived from fatty acids)
Enzymes (catalysts that support chemical reactions in the body)
Xanthine oxidase
Antiproteases (thought to bind themselves to macromolecules such as enzymes and as a result
prevent allergic and anaphylactic reactions)
Antimicrobial factors (are used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects,
such as bacteria and viruses.
Leukocytes (white blood cells)
B lymphocytes (also known as B cells)
T lymphocytes (also known as C cells)
sIgA (Secretory immunoglobulin A) (the most important antiinfective factor)
Complement C1
Complement C2
Complement C3
Complement C4
Complement C5
Complement C6
Complement C7
Complement C8
Complement C9
Mucins (attaches to bacteria and viruses to prevent
them from clinging to mucousal tissues)
Alpha-2 macroglobulin
Lewis antigens
Haemagglutinin inhibitors
Bifidus Factor (increases growth of Lactobacillus bifidus - which is a
good bacteria)
Lactoferrin (binds to iron which prevents harmful bacteria from using the
iron to grow)
B12 binding protein (deprives microorganisms of vitamin B12)
Fibronectin (makes phagocytes more aggressive, minimizes inflammation, and repairs
damage caused by inflammation)
Oligosaccharides (more than 200 different kinds!
Developed as a student project for the Breastfeeding Course for Health Care Providers, Douglas College, New Westminster, BC, Canada - © 2007 by Cecily Heslett, Sherri Hedberg and Haley Rumble.
(Taken from http://www.bcbabyfriendly.ca/whatsinbreastmilkposter.pdf)
I now challenge you to take a look at what is in infant formulae on the shelves...and to read this: http://thealphaparent.blogspot.com/2011/10/15-tricks-of-formula-companies.html
BREASTMILK has nutritional value at any age-so I will breastfeed my son as long as he wants to. As all children should be able to. As nature had planned!
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