Thursday 1 December 2011

The Great Vaccine Debate

"Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection" - Dr Sabin, developer of the Polio vaccine(1).

The fact of the matter is; vaccines are not nearly as effective as elected health officials would lead you to believe. Many parents fear for the safety of their vaccinated children: they are genuinely worried that unvaccinated children will cause an outbreak of disease. "While parents may think it does no harm to others if their kids skip some vaccines, they are in fact putting others at risk, health officials say. No vaccine is completely effective(2)." So then; what is the point?

Many parents genuinely believe that they are acting in a child's best interest by inoculating them against disease; many of which have been nearly eradicated. The fact of the matter is; this is simply not true. Preliminary studies have proven that people are just as likely to fall just as ill with, for example, a flu vaccine than the actual flu itsself(3). Not only this; but as viruses are consistently mutating by changing in composition, there is no way to guarantee protection from any virus. In a mere manner of months (or less), the strain of any particular virus will have mutated so much as to be entirely unrelated to the original particle. There are so many mutations possible; that no amount of vaccination, even if you were to inoculate yourself/your child every week, could avoid your exposure to the virus in question (3). This does not simply apply to the flu; however-this truth extends to all viruses, including Human Pappilomavirus, Measles, Rubella, Chickenpox, Mumps, and even the common 24-hour Cold virus; for which a vaccine is currently being developed.

So, why is this information not widely distributed?
To put this answer very simply; doctors are given incentives-by both drug companies and insurance companies-to give out vaccines(4)(5). In fact; they even get larger bonuses if they can vaccinate, and fully vaccinate, a large majority of the population(5)! This alone makes it an unlikely fact that your doctor will educate you about the risks involved in vaccination; let alone provide you with the actual patient product information leaflets, such as the PPI for Gardasil, which lists in black and white all of the side effects and incidences related with the vaccine: "General disorders and administration site conditions: Asthenia, chills, death, fatigue, malaise." Yes; you read that correctly...death. It is no small wonder that the majority of doctors do not wish this to be widely known when you consider their incentives; which range from gifts and holidays to cold hard cash.

The long and short of it all is that vaccines are not safe. Vaccines are administered in order to stimulate an immune response to the dead viral particles they contain; however they also contain toxic levels of aluminum which has been proven to be linked directly to many ailments including, but not limited to allergies, asthma and inflammatory bowel disease(6). Also included in vaccinations are formaldehyde, antibiotics, egg proteins (which many people are allergic to; but are not informed that this is in the vaccines they are receiving!), MSG, Thimerosal (a mercury-containing preservative)(7), yeast proteins (another which many people have severe allergic reactions to)(8) aborted foetal tissue DNA(9) and many other unsavoury ingredients. In fact, babies who are vaccinated according to schedule are injected with 5 milligrams of alluminum by the age of 18 months-which is 50 times the FDA's recommendations for safe levels of aluminum exposure for adults!  (10)

According to Richard D Moskovitz, M.D., the price we pay for those antibodies (contained within vaccines) is the persistence of virus elements in the blood for long periods of time, perhaps permanently. In turn, our immune systems are inhibited from providing an effective defense against natural viral particles we may encounter(11). In fact, you can even get a virus simply from RECEIVING the vaccination itself which is admitted to even by the vaccine manufacturers themselves(12)! This is, not to mention the fact that the death toll of many diseases began decreasing before their vaccine counterparts became available for widespread use(13).

The fact of the matter is, our bodies ARE equipped immunologically to prevent us from disease(14). It is only through poor diet, lack of or premature weaning from breastfeeding (15), pollution, lack of proper hygiene, a sedentary lifestyle and yes, vaccine exposure that our immune systems are compromised and we become susceptible to disease. 

What reason then remains, for getting vaccinated or vaccinating your children? 

If you or your child have fallen ill as the direct result of a vaccine injury, you are entitled to monetary compensation. Please visit here for more information if you are located in the United Kingdom.

















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