Tuesday, 4 October 2011

A Day Of The Very Breast Milk

As of midnight tonight, my husband Paul and I plan to partake in an experiment. Paul will be nourished exclusively on a diet of my breastmilk (on tap, why not?) and water for a full 24 hours.

It is no secret that Paul already has my breastmilk once a day. I am also exclusively breastfeeding our nearly 11 month old son.

The purpouse of this experiment will be to discover the following:

-Whether my body will respond to his saliva (as we know mother's bodies do when breastfeeding children) and create the fats and calories needed to adequately sustain both him and our child. If at any point my body begins to ceases in doing so, we will cease our experiment and Paul will resume the consumption of solid foods as per his usual diet.
-The effects of breastmilk on his weight, and how it may effect his eating habits once the detox is finished.
-How my body will be impacted-weight loss/gain, hunger, fatigue, mood ect.
-How my milk supply and nipple sensitivity will be impacted.
-How Osrid Olov (our son) will respond to tandem feeding with his father-will they be more bonded or will our son feel protective and broody, ect?

I will be reporting the results after the exclusive breastfeeding diet is over. I am currently taking extra iron & iodine to make up for any my body may lose.

I would also like to answer any other questions you may have about the experiment, so please ask away-but please be respectful. All spam and hateful comments/questions will be deleted without a second thought! Remember, you don't HAVE to read this if it offends you! :)

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